Welcome to

Learning Circle

Supporting the development of circular economy entrepreneurship


The Learning Circle project aims to support the emergence of innovative circular economy entrepreneurs. Even though innovative entrepreneurs come from varied backgrounds, they share common traits, motives, and competences. They also play an important role in boosting economies around the world and their importance cannot be overstated. True entrepreneurs are serial innovators who leave a portfolio of successful and not-so-successful ventures behind them at the end of their career. Supporting the growth of innovative circular economy entrepreneurs through vocational education can therefore achieve a positive and lasting impact.


The Learning Circle project is developing four innovative education and digital tools to support innovative entrepreneurs, namely:

In-service training for VET tutors


An In-service training for VET tutors supporting them to:

1.) build their entrepreneurial spirit and
understanding of the circular economy;

2.) strengthen their pedagogic skills for online teaching; and
3.) enhance their digital competences so that they can create their own digital teaching resources


Eduzines for Innovative Circular Economy


The Learning Circle Eduzines for Innovative Circular Economy learning focuses on the key competencies needed to become a circular economy entrepreneur. They are designed for use on smart phones for learning anytime, anywhere.


Eduzines for Circular Economy Business Models


The Learning Circle Eduzines (educational magazines) raises awareness of five main circular economy business models at both introductory and advanced levels. Eduzines are designed for smart phone learning for busy people on the go.


Learning Circle MOOC – Massive Open Online Courses


This learning platform provides entrepreneurs with open access to all the resources developed, and
will network VET tutors, potential innovative circular economy entrepreneurs and businesses across


The Partners

The Learning Circle Project is brought to you by a team of 8 expert partners from 8 European countries, namely: UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Romania, and Latvia. Together, partners will use their knowledge and expertise in a collaborative environment to successfully implement the project goals.

Banbridge District Enterprise

UK – Coordinating Partner

Contact Us

To get involved and support our project, please find and follow us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/LearningCircleproject



The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Number: 2020-1-UK01-KA226-VET-094435
